Management & Entrepreneurship

30 September 2023 - (09:00)

Training in PMP (Project Management Professional)

Training type

Physical presence training

Number of participants


This program is a valued opportunity for local ICT companies to increase their managerial capacities and make a visible difference in their performance. In this way, we are contributing to the advancement of the ICT industry in Kosovo and increasing its competitiveness in the international market.

We are pleased to announce that SHPIK organizes a training in PMP, an important step towards raising the managerial capacities of local Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies in Kosovo.

This project is financed by GIZ and aims to help our companies develop and be competitive in the market of a continuous technological pursuit.

The training program is carefully structured and focused on preparing participants for the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification. This certification is an international standard for project management and will give participants the practical skills needed to manage successful projects in real-world scenarios.

The PMP training was led by a qualified and experienced trainer in the field of project management. The trainer helps the participants in understanding the essence of the project management process and in using concrete examples and testimonials of successful enterprises and beyond to illustrate the concepts and practices of project management.